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jython can't find 3rd party python package (python installed using miniconda)

I have a prototype written in Python that I need to port into Java to put into production. Python 2.7.10 has been installed using miniconda . The prototype uses a 3rd party library nltk that I installed using pip .

To void rewriting the code from scratch, at least initially, I want to first try call the prototype code directly from Java using jython .

When I try executing a command like

java -jar jython-standalone-2.7.0.jar myPrototype.py

I get

Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "myPrototype.py", line 4, in <module>
       from nltk import AlignedSent
ImportError: No module named nltk

It works fine when I run python myPrototype.py .

Is there a way of configuring my jython install so that it can find all 3rd party packages that I've added to my python install? I realize that some of those might not run in jython but at least I want to have access to those that do.

The bulk of NLTK is Python code so you should be able to use it from Jython as long as it's in your module search path. If you are on unix just add a link to your nltk in site-packages to the current folder. Or look into the documentation here: http://www.jython.org/jythonbook/en/1.0/ModulesPackages.html NLTK needs to be able to load its data for some stuff. You may want to either make al link to your nltk_data from your home to the current folder or see this answer to set it from code: How to config nltk data directory from code?

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