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Morph a cube to coil in three js

I have tried to morph a thin rectangular cube to coil by three.js and tween.js . I've searched questions that already has been ask but none of them guide me.

Which morph function should I use, and how can I create a coil shape?


  1. have your tube stored as a set of N slices

    You need center point and normal vector for each (circle) slice.

     const int N=128; struct slice { float p[3],n[3]; }; slice mesh[N]; 

    Init it to tube at start (aligned to y axis)

     for (int i=0;i<N;i++) { mesh[i].p[0]= 0.0; mesh[i].p[1]=-1.0+2.0*float(i)/float(N-1); mesh[i].p[2]= 0.0; mesh[i].n[0]= 0.0; mesh[i].n[1]=+1.0; mesh[i].n[2]= 0.0; } 
  2. write visualization code for such mesh representation

    You need to obtain the circumference points of each slice and join them with QUAD_STRIP or what ever primitive you are using for the tube surface. The top and bottom is best with TRIANGLE_FAN around center point.

    You can obtain the points with my glCircle3D in C++ just instead of drawing them store/use them as you need ...

  3. interpolate between tube and helix

    If the above is workung you can turn the centers position and normals into helix with variable radius r and fixed screws m . So I would try:

     float a=6.283185307179586476925286766559*float(i*m)/float(N-1); mesh[i].p[0] = r*cos(a); mesh[i].p[2] = r*sin(a); 

    The normal can be computed similary but I do not have the time for testing it right now and my imagination is not that good so i would instead do this:

     mesh[i].n[0] = mesh[i].p[0] - mesh[i-1].p[0]; mesh[i].n[1] = mesh[i].p[1] - mesh[i-1].p[1]; mesh[i].n[2] = mesh[i].p[2] - mesh[i-1].p[2]; normalize(mesh[i].n); // set to unit vector 

    Just copy the normal from slice 1 to slice 0 and you should be fine.

  4. animate

    Just animate the mesh with changing r from zero to some R . If you want continuous effect you can do r=R*sin(t) where t is increasing with some step ...

[edit1] C++ OpenGL example

If you put all the above together you should get something like this:

//         height  ,tube r  ,screw r ,screws
void helix(double h,double r,double R,double N)
    int i,j,na;
    double pos[3]={ 0.0,0.0,0.0 },x[3],y[3],
           nor[3]={ 0.0,1.0,0.0 },ss,dy,a,da,b,db;
    na=double(N*36.0);              // 36 slices per screw
    const int nb=36+1;              // 36 points per circle slice
    dy=h/double(na);                // y axis step
    da=2.0*M_PI*N/double(na);       // screw angle step
    db=2.0*M_PI/double(nb-1);       // slice circle angle step
    ss=1.0/sqrt((R*R)+(dy*dy));     // normalization scale
    double pnt[nb*12],*p0=pnt,*p1=pnt+(nb*6),*pp;   // 2 slice point buffers (normal3d+vertex3d)*nb*2 = 12*nb
    for (a=0.0,i=0;i<na;i++,a+=da)
        if (a>2.0*M_PI) a-=2.0*M_PI;
        // slice center
        // slice normal
        // slice basis vectors x,y
        // y = cross(x,nor)
        y[0]=             -(x[2]*nor[1]);
        // get the slice points (remember 2 slices for QUAD STRIP) to actual point buffer p1
        for (pp=p1,b=0.0,j=0;j<nb;j++,b+=db,pp+=6)
            // normal
            // position
        // if 2 slices done render the slice between last slice p0 and actual slice p1
        if (i) for (j=0;j<6*nb;j+=6)
        // swap last,actual slice point buffers p0 <-> p1
        pp=p0; p0=p1; p1=pp;

Which renders helix in OpenGL. it starts from (0,0,0) and ends in (0,h,0) where:

  • r is the radius of the tube
  • R is the radius of the screws
  • h is helix height/size
  • N is number of screws per h

It generates Vertex and Normal info so you can use lighting. for animation I use this:

static double t=0.0; t+=0.1; if (t>=pi2) t-=pi2;
double R=sin(t); if (R<0.0) R=0.0;
glColor3f(1.0,1.0,1.0); helix(1.0,0.05,0.3*R,6.0);

As you can see half of the sin wave is neglected so you can have time to actually see the tube without the screws. Here output with lighting:


On the left is the unscrewed tube ( R=0 ). On the right is fully morphed screw and in the middle is something in between.

PS if you want to make the morph more interesting you can also animate the N parameter from 0 to some constant.

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