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.NET async/await: in this case should I return something?

In a case like this, where my task could return instantly because of certain conditions:

public async Task Test(List<int> TestList)
    if (TestList.Count() == 0)

    // Do something
    await UploadListAsync(TestList);

Is it correct return; , should I use Task.FromResult(false); , or is there a more correct way?

When you're using an async , you can't return a Task explicitly (see edit) - the return value has been boxed up by the compiler to be the return value of the Task . Thus, your async methods should behave like other methods and return if they need to bail out of logic early.

EDIT: The one time you CAN return a Task during an async is if the return type is Task<Task... , however this would still be returning the inner Task , not the outer, since the compiler has done the same wrapping. This should also be a fairly rare use case as opposed to await -ing a chain of Task s

Task is the new void !

Regarding async methods!

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