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Wirecloud authentication using keystone only?

The instructions for providing FIWARE based authentication for Wirecloud suggest installing KeyRock (a frontend/backend combo of the Horizon/Keystone GE). Is the frontend (Horizon) really necessary if the only application to be secured is a Wirecloud instance (and possibly some backend services). The point is to avoid, if possible , to have to configure/style/maintain etc. a second frontend. Is it possible to authenticate directly using a Django plugin like this ? Pros and cons?

WireCloud is currently linked to the use of django.contrib.auth , any authentication plugin based on it should work. Moreover, the instructions for using KeyRock are using python-social-auth so, in fact, you can use it for authenticating using any of the backends supported by python-social-auth : GitHub, Twitter, OpenId, ...

In that regard, I don't see any problem in the use of the plugin you are proposing (Although I have not tested it).

The advantage of using the KeyRock backend provided by WireCloud is that it enables operators and widgets to propagate the credentials to third-party services using KeyRock for authentication (eg Orion Context Broker, Object Storage, ... and in general, any service behind a PEP proxy).

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