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Transform Javascript grouped data into JSON array

Using below code, I am able to group objects from my existing data with Underscore JS as shown.

{Group1: Array[10], Group2: Array[13], Group3: Array[16], Group4: Array[21], Group5: Array[38]}

//Create a category based on group assigned
var groupedData = _.groupBy(results, function (d) { 

return d.groups;



But what I really need is to turn the above into JSON array looking like:

var myData = [["Group1", 10], ["Group2",13], ["Group3",16], ["Group4",21], ["Group5",38]];

How can I adjust my code in order to get the desired result?

Thank you for your help.

Use Array.map and Object.keys

 var results = { a: [1, 2], b: [2, 3] }; var grouped = Object.keys(results).map(function(key) { return [key, results[key].length]; }); document.body.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(grouped); 

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