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Parallel execution in python

I am new to threading concept in python. Find the below script

def func1(con_no, con_name, *argv):
"This functions takes around 3-4 min to completes"

def func2(con_no, con_name, *argv):
"This functions takes around 5 min to completes"

def runthread(*fns):

   proc = []
   for fn in fns:
       p = Process(target=fn)
   for p in proc:

if __name__ == '__main__':

runthread(func1(con_no, con_name), func2(con_no, con_name))

The above code waits for func1() to completes its operation and goes to func2().How to start both the functions parallely, so that func2() do not wait for func1() to complete its operation. Please note I am using python 2.7 version.

Updated the question

You started func1 before runthread is called:

You should write:

runthread(func1, func2)

To pass parameters, read these examples: https://pymotw.com/2/multiprocessing/basics.html

Considering you have con_no and con_name initialised with some values, you can use partial :

from functools import partial


runthread(partial(func1, con_no, con_name), partial(func2, con_no, con_name))

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