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Inject a FlowScoped bean into a Jersey REST Web Service

I'm developing an application that use a JSF flow to manage a wizard-like activity that can be started by a logged in user.

One page of the flow needs custom JavaScript code written in AngularJS, so I created a small Jersey REST service to exchange data between AngularJS and the bean (obviously the service should be called only when a user is using that flow page).

Inside the service I need the FlowScoped bean, but if I try to do

public class MyResource {

    MyFlowScopedBean myFlowScopedBean;

    // ...

The following exception is thrown:

exception java.lang.NullPointerException at com.sun.faces.flow.FlowCDIContext.getCurrentFlow

So, I'm using a session scoped bean associated to the user to retrieve the bean using the following workaround:

public class MyFlowScopedBean {

    UserDataBean userDataBean;

    public void init() {

    // ...

public class UserDataBean {

    private MyFlowScopedBean myFlowScopedBean;

    public getMyFlowScopedBean() {
        return myFlowScopedBean;
    public setMyFlowScopedBean(MyFlowScopedBean myFlowScopedBean) {
        this.myFlowScopedBean = myFlowScopedBean;

    // ...

public class MyResource {

    UserDataBean userDataBean;

    private MyFlowScopedBean getMyFlowScopedBean() {
        return userDataBean.getMyFlowScopedBean();

    // ...

Is there a better way to do this? And, more important, should I do this or am I violating some best practices/conventions?

(I'm deploying on Glassfish 4.1)


Instead using JSF FlowScoped it is possible to obtain something very similar using ConversationScoped .

From the book "JBoss Weld CDI for Java Platform" by Ken Finnigan:

The conversation context implementation within Weld was developed to be used specifically with JSF. [...] In CDI 1.1, the tight coupling with JSF will be removed, enabling the conversation context to be used with other web frameworks.

Here a minimal working example (inspired by this blog post ):

public class FooBean implements Serializable {

    Conversation conversation;

    public String getConversationId() {
        return conversation.getId();

    public void init() {

    // ...

public class FooResource implements Serializable {

    FooBean fooBean;

    public String myMethod() {
        // ...

In .xhtml:

    var CID = '#{foo.conversationId}'; // <-- EL
    $.get('/myApp/foo/myMethod?cid=' + CID);

Warning : pay attention using @FormParam : grizzly seems to have problems with it.

If you want a complete example about creating wizard using the conversation scope take a look at this post .

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