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how to unit test method using “Spring Data JPA” Specifications

I was playing with org.springframework.data.jpa.domain.Specifications, it's just a basic search :

 public Optional<List<Article>> rechercheArticle(String code, String libelle) {
    List<Article> result = null;

    if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(code) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(libelle)){
        result = articleRepository.findAll(Specifications.where(ArticleSpecifications.egaliteCode(code)).and(ArticleSpecifications.egaliteLibelle(libelle)));
            result= articleRepository.findAll(Specifications.where(ArticleSpecifications.egaliteCode(code)));
            result = articleRepository.findAll(Specifications.where(ArticleSpecifications.egaliteLibelle(libelle)));

        return Optional.empty();
        return Optional.of(result);

And that's actually working fine but I'd like to write unit tests for this method and I can't figure out how to check specifications passed to my articleRepository.findAll()

At the moment my unit test looks like :

public void rechercheArticle_okTousCriteres() throws FacturationServiceException {
    String code = "code";
    String libelle = "libelle";
    List<Article> articles = new ArrayList<>();
    Article a1 = new Article();

    Optional<List<Article>> result = articleManager.rechercheArticle(code, libelle);

    //ArgumentCaptor<Specifications> argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Specifications.class);
    //argument.getValue().toPredicate(root, query, builder);


Any idea?

I was having almost the same problems as you had, and I changed my class that contains Specifications to be an object instead of just one class with static methods. This way I can easily mock it, use dependency injection to pass it, and test which methods were called (without using PowerMockito to mock static methods).

If you wanna do like I did, I recommend you to test the correctness of specifications with integration tests, and for the rest, just if the right method was called.

For example:

public class CdrSpecs {

public Specification<Cdr> calledBetween(LocalDateTime start, LocalDateTime end) {
    return (root, query, cb) -> cb.between(root.get(Cdr_.callDate), start, end);

Then you have an integration test for this method, which will test whether the method is right or not:

public class CdrIntegrationTest {

private CdrRepository cdrRepository;

private CdrSpecs specs = new CdrSpecs();

public void findByPeriod() throws Exception {
    LocalDateTime today = LocalDateTime.now();
    LocalDateTime firstDayOfMonth = today.with(TemporalAdjusters.firstDayOfMonth());
    LocalDateTime lastDayOfMonth = today.with(TemporalAdjusters.lastDayOfMonth());
    List<Cdr> cdrList = cdrRepository.findAll(specs.calledBetween(firstDayOfMonth, lastDayOfMonth));

And now when you wanna unit test other components, you can test like this, for example:

public class CdrSearchServiceTest {

private CdrSpecs specs;
private CdrRepository repo;

private CdrSearchService searchService;

public void setUp() throws Exception {
    searchService = new CdrSearchService(repo, specs);

public void testSearch() throws Exception {

    // some code here that interact with searchService

    verify(specs).calledBetween(any(LocalDateTime.class), any(LocalDateTime.class));
   // and you can verify any other method of specs that should have been called

And of course, inside the Service you can still use the where and and static methods of Specifications class.

I hope this can help you.

If you are writing Unit Tests then you should probably mock the call to findAll() method of articleRepository Class using a mocking framework like Mockito or PowerMock .

There is a method verify() using which you can check if the mock is invoked for the particular parameters.

For Example, if you are mocking the findAll() method of articleRepository Class and want to know if this method is called with particular arguments then you can do something like:

Mokito.verify(mymock, Mockito.times(1)).findAll(/* Provide Arguments */);

This will fail the test if mock has not been called for the arguments that you provided.

Your problem is that you are doing too many things within that one method. You should have three different methods that work on articleRepository.

Then you can use mocking as the others suggest:

  • setup your mocks so that you know which call on articleRepository should be made
  • verify that exactly the expected calls are happening

Please note: these three methods should be internal; the main point there is: you can't test this method with ONE call from the outside; as it is doing more than one thing, depending on the input that you provide. Thus you need to create at least one test method for each of the potential paths in your code. And that becomes easier (from a conceptual point of view) when you separate your code into different methods.

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