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How to store and update deeply nested structures in ImmutableJS

I am building little blog with react+redux and I cant figure out how should I go about replying to comments under blog post. I am getting comments structure for one blog post which looks something like this.


How do I store it in ImmutableJS state so I can easily add replies to comments based on their _id ? Also the comments have to be iterable because Im rendering them into comment tree afterwards but I dont think that should be a problem as long as ImmutableJS data structures are used. Basically I dont know how I should implement this function in my reducer.

[REPLY_COMMENT]: (state, { payload }) => {
  const { _id, comment } = payload
  let newState = ???
  return newState


Here is jsbin showing what I am trying to achieve. I just want to be able to reply to comments that's all

You gotta break this down a bit.

So firstly let's add the comments to an Immutable.Map

state = state.update('coolPostId', post => Immutable.fromJS(comments));

const replyToPostComment = {
  _id: '1234',
  content: 'Hello',
  creator: 'RandomUser',
  replies: []

You now have an Immutable.List under coolPostId , so you then want to update that list by push ing a new comment:

state = state.update('coolPostId', comment => comment.push(Immutable.fromJS(replyToPostComment)));

That'll pass your first test:

const expected = state.get('coolPostId').last();

The second part is just as easy but you need to map cover your comments and check if the _id matches your metadata.

Here's your setup:

const replyComment = {
  _id: '5678',
  content: 'Wellcome',
  creator: 'RandomUser2',
  replies: []

const reply = {
  postId: 'coolPostId',
  commentId: '1234',
  comment: replyComment

The next line depends on a function that will do the _id check,

state = state.get(reply.postId)
  .map(comment => addReply(comment)(reply));

And the final bit of the puzzle is the addReply predicate:

const addReply = c => cr => c.get('_id') === cr.commentId ? c
  .update('replies', replies => replies.push(Immutable.fromJS(cr.comment)) ) : c;

Here is a full jsbin for review

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