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How to make QCheckBox readonly, but not grayed-out

Any good way to make a checkbox readonly, but also not grayed-out (hardly visible).

  1. I have used setEnabled(bool) which works, but the checkbox then is grayed-out and hardly readable
  2. I can react on a toggle signal and reset the state. But I would need a kind of flag to determine if the box is read-only and then reset the check state, means I need to create my own CheckBox class.
  3. setCheckable does not work either, it does not allow me to set a checked state at all:

     cb = this->ui->cb_RealWorld->isCheckable(); this->ui->cb_RealWorld->setCheckable(true); this->ui->cb_RealWorld->setChecked(someValue); this->ui->cb_RealWorld->setCheckable(cb);

So the best thing I have is to use enable/disable and accept the grayed out style.

------- Edit -------

Following the stylesheet examples I was hoping I could set the style of a disabled checkbox like the one of an enabled. Failed so far to do so. More specific: Changing the icon like in the examples does not work for me, maybe because I am using Windows and the icons are not available under the path as in the examples.

PS: Related, but no answer here

Disabling a QCheckbox in a tricky way
Qt - How to disable QCheckBox while retaining checked state?

Following the below my code:


This is Devopia's solution as a function:

void SetReadOnly(QCheckBox* checkBox, bool readOnly)
   checkBox->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents, readOnly);
   checkBox->setFocusPolicy(readOnly ? Qt::NoFocus : Qt::StrongFocus);

在 Windows 上,请记住#include "windows.h"并设置如下标志:

this->ui->cb_RealWorld->setWindowFlags(this->ui->cb_RealWorld->windowFlags() | Qt::WindowTransparentForInput);

Inherit from QCheckBox and override nextCheckState method https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qcheckbox.html#nextCheckState do the trick.

void ReadOnlyCheckBox::nextCheckState()


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