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How can I work with my serverside smartcard via PHP?

is it possible to communicate with a serverside smartcard via PHP?

My intention is to connect the smartcard reader to the server so I can send input to it and receive the result. I want to use it to create a custom pos system using "INSIKA" ( http://www.insika.de/ )

Are there any existing libraries I could use? Is there any software I can use via exec() (for example)?

I could not find many information on this online since most people need to read a smartcard on the users pc - I don't need to do this.

Thank you! :-)

You need to find the reader in the server as first step to make the whole APDU run, so Query WMI remotely with PHP can be a start.

If you need a source to build your APDU I use this one for C# as a start point and then the INSIKA specifications they send to build all the commands.

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