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Trouble setting JAVA_HOME

I have set JAVA_HOME as below from batch file, but it still pointing to what is installed in C drive

@echo on
set JAVA_HOME=D:\xxxx\JAVA\jdk1.7.0_80
set M2_HOME=D:\xxxx\JAVA\apache-maven-3.3.9
set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%M2_HOME%\bin;%PATH%
  1. JAVA_HOME is set before path, so it should take preference over all other values in path.
  2. Setting USER path variable appended JAVA_HOME at the end. Then appended value takes least preference. So didn't set USER path variable. Used batch file to update path.
  3. I don't have admin access. Cant change anything in C drive. So java.exe, javaws.exe those files I cannot remove or modify. These files indirectly specify default JAVA_HOME.

Please let me know any other way to override default JAVA_HOME. I need to change JAVA_HOME for maven to use new JDK for compilation


Try using the setx command.

Set modifies the current shell's (window) environment values, and the change is available immediately, but it is temporary. the change will not affect other shells that are running, and as soon as you close the shell, the new value is lost until such time as you run set again.

setx modifies the value permenantly, which affects all future shells, but does not modify the environment of the shells already running. you have to exit the shell and reopen it before the change will be available, but the value will remain modified until you change it again.

Syntax for setx is : setx variableName variableValue

Source : Difference between set and setx

Credit goes to Frank Thomas

Atlast I found what is the issue. My JDK is corrupt or missing crucial jars.

System to pick up JAVA location and set it as JAVA_HOME, jdk should contain java.exe, javaw.exe, javaws.exe in bin folder.

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