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PHP regex parse data between [ ]

I've a string that I want to convert to a valid JSON and then json_decode it. Here's what the string looks like:

    ['test', 'lol'],
    ['test2', 'lol2']
    ['test32', 'loDl'],
    ['test32', 'loDl2']
    ['tes23t', 'loDEl'],
    ['testDE2', 'lolDE2']

I want to get only the data between each



so the result might to be:

['test', 'lol'],
['test2', 'lol2'],
['test32', 'loDl'],
['test32', 'loDl2'],
['tes23t', 'loDEl'],
['testDE2', 'lolDE2']

so I think that I need to use regex and preg_split , here's what I did:

$jsons = preg_split('/\]\s*(?=\[)/', $data, null);
$jsond = "";
foreach ($jsons as $json) {
     $json .= "";
     $jsond .= $json;
return $jsond;

but It's not working, I still can't have the data beetween each [ ]
How can I do that ?
Thanks in advance

PS: here's the real full string https://paste.ee/r/RN7rK

The string you pointed to has valid JSON on each line. However, all the lines together do not represent one valid JSON.

I propose to manipulate the data in a minimal way to make the whole text JSON with a simple regular expression. If the original data is in $data , then create the JSON as follows:

$json = preg_replace('/(\])\](\R)\[/', '$1,$2', $data);

This will remove both the closing bracket at the end of a line, and the opening one at the start of the next line. Instead a comma is inserted. The result will be valid JSON, as the opening bracket right at the start now matches with the very final closing bracket.

I took some representative text from your data:

$data = '[["s","13","shelves_norja","49500","0","1","1","#ffffff,#F7EBBC","Beige Bookcase","For nic naks and books.","","5","true","-1","false","","1","true","0","0","0","false"],["s","117","table_plasto_round*9","45508","0","2","2","#ffffff,#533e10","Round Dining Table","Hip plastic furniture","","-1","false","-1","false","","1","false","0","0","0","false"]]
[["s","118","table_plasto_square*9","45508","0","1","1","#ffffff,#533e10","Occasional Table","Hip plastic furniture","","-1","false","-1","false","","1","false","0","0","0","false"],["s","119","chair_plasto*9","45508","0","1","1","#ffffff,#533e10,#ffffff,#533e10","Chair","Hip plastic furniture","","-1","false","-1","false","","1","false","0","1","0","false"],["s","120","carpet_standard*6","48082","0","3","5","#777777","Floor Rug","Available in a variety of colors","","105","true","-1","false","","1","true","1","0","0","false"],["s","121","chair_plasty*1","45508","0","1","1","#ffffff,#8EB5D1,#ffffff,#8EB5D1","Plastic Pod Chair","Hip plastic furniture","","-1","false","-1","false","","1","false","0","1","0","false"]]';

It just has two lines, to limit the data a bit. Now the above code produces this result, pretty printed:

        "Beige Bookcase",
        "For nic naks and books.",
        "Round Dining Table",
        "Hip plastic furniture",
        "Occasional Table",
        "Hip plastic furniture",
        "Hip plastic furniture",
        "Floor Rug",
        "Available in a variety of colors",
        "Plastic Pod Chair",
        "Hip plastic furniture",

If you have a lot of data and have to preserve memory, you can use something like this:

function genArrayFromFHandler($fh) {
    $state = 0; // (1: main brackets, 2: nested brackets, 3: quotes)
    while(!feof($fh)) {
        $c = fgetc($fh);

            case '[':
                if ($state) $array = [];

            case ']':
                if ($state == 2) yield $array;

            case '"':
                if ($state == 2) {
                    $item = '';
                } else {
                    $array[] = $item;

                if ($state == 3) $item .= $c;                


try {
    $fh = fopen('yourfile.txt', 'r');// or die ('error opening file');
    if (!$fh) throw new Exception('File open failed.');

    foreach (genArrayFromFHandler($fh) as $arr) {
        // do all what you need with the array here


} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;

This isn't a fast method but the memory footprint is very low since the file is never fully loaded in memory.

Note I don't know what you want to do with your data and if converting them to JSON is a good idea (JSON is useful to share data between apps, but if you want something you can easily and efficiently querying, it's better to use a database.)

This is also possible solution:

$data = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $data);
$data = str_replace("[[", "[", $data);
$jsons = str_replace("]]", "]", $data);

echo $jsons


  $data = "[
      ['test', 'lol'],
      ['test2', 'lol2']
      ['test32', 'loDl'],
      ['test32', 'loDl2']
      ['tes23t', 'loDEl'],
      ['testDE2', 'lolDE2']

  $matches = array();
  preg_match_all('/\[(.*?)\]/', $data, $matches);
  $json = '';

  foreach ($matches[0] as &$val) 
      $json .= $val.',';

  $json = substr($json, 0, strlen($json)-1);


will output:

['test', 'lol'],['test2', 'lol2'],['test32', 'loDl'],['test32', 'loDl2'],['tes23t', 'loDEl'],['testDE2', 'lolDE2']

Is this what you want?

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