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Replacing a specific character in php

I have a variable having a path to a file which is like the following:

$path = "\home\ashutosh\Desktop\imgdone\0001.jpeg"

I want that \\ be replaced by this / in order for me to read that path. I have used str_replace() function to replace but the PHP code is not able to recognize that.

str_replace( "\", "/", $path );

Please help

you need to escape the \\ like that : str_replace('\\\\', '/', $path);

I explain a bit : "\\" tell php to not end at the quote that follow \\ .

you use it in this case : "hello I'm \\"The Cat\\", the super hero" . so the \\ is a special char, used to escape the one that follow. if you want to use it, you need to escape it with himself : \\\\

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