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Is it possible to implement a C# Interface and extend the arguments of Events?

Suppose I have the following Interface:

interface IBook
    event EventHandler<EventArgs> PageChanged;

which I could implement without difficulty for this class:

class Novel : IBook
    public event EventHandler<EventArgs> PageChanged;

    protected void OnPageChanged()
        EventHandler<EventArgs> pageChanged = PageChanged;
        if (pageChanged != null) pageChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);

however, if I now have an object called Encyclopedia defined as:

class Encyclopedia : IBook
    public class EncyclopediaEventArgs : EventArgs
        public int Volume
            get { return volume; }

        private int volume;

        public EncyclopediaEventArgs(int volume)
            this.volume = volume;

    public event EventHandler<EncyclopediaEventArgs> PageChanged;

    protected void OnPageChanged(int volume)
        EventHandler<EncyclopediaEventArgs> pageChanged = PageChanged;
        if (pageChanged != null) pageChanged(this, new EncyclopediaEventArgs(volume));

which has all the workings of a Book , but with the added event argument field of Volume . When I compile, I get an error (as surmised I would):

error CS0738: 'Encyclopedia' does not implement interface member 'IBook.PageChanged'. 'Encyclopedia.PageChanged' cannot implement 'IBook.PageChanged' because it does not have the matching return type of 'System.EventHandler'

It states that it cannot implement IBook.PageChanged because System.EventHandler<System.EventArgs> is not the return type, even though EncyclopediaEventArgs derives from System.EventArgs .

My question, therefore, is, would it be possible to derive such a class as Encyclopedia which adds the additional Volume field to its event arguments?

(Any discussion is very much welcome as to why this is or is not a poor design/architecture decision!)

It seems fairly straight forward to do this:

interface IBook<T> where T : EventArgs
    event EventHandler<T> PageChanged;

class Novel : IBook<EventArgs> { ... }

class Encyclopedia : IBook<Encyclopedia.EncyclopediaEventArgs> { ... }

If you still need a plain IBook then you would do this:

interface IBook { }

interface IBook<T> : IBook where T : EventArgs
    event EventHandler<T> PageChanged;

It depends a bit on how you are going to use IBook . You could create a generic parameter for the EventArgs like so:

public interface IBook<TEventArgs> where TEventArgs : EventArgs
    event EventHandler<TEventArgs> PageChanged;

public class Novel : IBook<EventArgs>
    event EventHandler<EventArgs> PageChanged;

public class Encyclopedia : IBook<EncyclopediaEventArgs>
    event EventHandler<EncyclopediaEventArgs> PageChanged;

But then you can't use IBook without the generic type if you need PageChanged for other purposes.

Another way is to just keep the event EventHandler<EventArgs> PageChanged; have the Encyclopedia implementation pass a EncyclopediaEventArgs and just cast in the event handler.

class Encyclopedia : IBook
    public class EncyclopediaEventArgs : EventArgs

    public event EventHandler<EventArgs> PageChanged;

    protected void OnPageChanged(int volume)
        EventHandler<EventArgs> pageChanged = PageChanged;
        if (pageChanged != null) pageChanged(this, new EncyclopediaEventArgs(...));

public class BookReader
    public void OnPageChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (sender is Encyclopedia && e is EncyclopediaEventArgs)
            EncyclopediaEventArgs ee = (EncyclopediaEventArgs)e;

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