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HTML form with 3 submits, But JavaScript not working

I am writing the BBCodes part to my forums so I have three submit buttons: one for the color picker, one for inserting a typed url and one to actually post the forum.

I am using button with onclick: the url and color picker use a submit button in insert the text into the textarea and the final submit posts the form. When pressing the final submit the following error occurs:

Uncaught TypeError: document.getElementById(...).submit is not a function

ps I have removed the majority of the 's for the simple BBCodes to lessen the amount of code under html.

note: I have another posting class similar to this that hasn't had the bbcodes added yet and the javascript for posting the form works perfectly fine - hence my guess that the 3 submit buttons are causing this.


<form action="<?php echo esc_url($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>" method="get" name="postingTopicSub" id="postingTopicSub" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="hidden" name="topicID" id="topicID" value="<?php echo $topicID ?>"/>

    <div class="post-subject">
        <input type="text" name="subject" id="subject" />

    <div class="post-addons">
        <input type="button" class="bbc_button" name="color" value="Choose a Font Color" onclick="bbstylecolor()" title="Font color: [color=red]text[/color] or [color=#FF0000]text[/color]">
        <div id="colour_palette" style="display:none;">
            <input type="color" id="color" value="#ff0000">
            <input type="button" name="submit" value="Pick" onclick="bbcolor();">
        <input type="button" class="bbc-button" name="bbcode1" value=" " style="background-image:url('../images/BBC/bold.gif');" onclick="bbstyle(1);" title="Bold Text: [b]text[/b]">
        <input type="button" class="bbc_button" name="bburl" value=" " style="background-image:url('../images/BBC/url.gif');" onclick="bburl();" title="List item: [url]http://url[/url] or [url=http://url]text[/url]">
        <div class="urlforms" id="url_div" style="display:none;">
            <table style="margin: 0 auto;">
            <td>Enter a site URL:</td>
            <td width="200px";><input type="text" id="url_input" placeholder="http://themooliecommunity.com/"></td>
            <td>Optional description:</td> 
            <td width="200px";><input type="text" id="url_input_title" placeholder="The Moolie Community"></td>
            <input type="button" name="submit" value="Insert into message" onclick="bburlpick();">
            <input type="button" name="cancel" value="Exit" onclick="bburl();">
        <input type="button" class="bbc_button" name="bbcode14" value=" " style="background-image:url('../images/BBC/spoil.gif');" onclick="bbstyle(14);" title="Spoiler: [spoil]Text[/spoil]">

    <div class="post-textarea">
        <textarea name="post_text" id="post_text" cols="100" rows="30"></textarea>

    <div class="post-button">
        <input type="button" name="submittopic" id = "submittopic" value="Submit" onclick="topicPostSubmit();"/> 


Final submit button:

function forumssubmit() 
    var subject = document.getElementById("subject").value;
    var text = document.getElementById("post_text").value;

   if(subject=="" || text=="")
       alert('Please fill in the subject and text');
       return false;
   return true;

function topicPostSubmit()
    document.getElementById("postingTopicSub").submit(); //This is where the error is coming

URL submit button js:

function bburlpick() 
    var e = document.getElementById("url_div");
    var text = document.getElementById("post_text").value;
    var url = document.getElementById("url_input").value;
    var url_title = document.getElementById("url_input_title").value;

    if (url_title == "")
        var bburl = "[url]" + url + "[/url]";
        var bburl = "[url=" + url + "]" + url_title + "[/url]";
    text += bburl;
    document.getElementById("post_text").value = text;
    e.style.display = "none";

Color submit button:

function bbcolor() 
    var text = document.getElementById("post_text").value;
    var color = document.getElementById("color").value;
    var bbcolor = "[color=" + color + "][/color]";
    text += bbcolor;
    document.getElementById("post_text").value = text;

问题是您以与submit相同的形式命名了其他按钮,因此错误不是获取.submit()而是获取对submit button的引用,当然这些submit button function因此请尝试将它们重命名为其他名称,然后尝试


<input type="button" name="submit" value="Pick" onclick="bbcolor();">


<input type="button" name="btnSubmit" value="Pick" onclick="bbcolor();">

The issue is that your button is named "submit"

"submit is not a function" means that you named your submit button or some other element submit. Rename the button to btnSubmit and your call will work. Just make sure you re-name all the buttons named "submit", you have quite a few.

Check this out: http://www.chovy.com/javascript/javascript-error-submit-is-not-a-function/

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