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JAD Eclipse plugin not working, No repository found at http://feeling.sourceforge.net/update

It seems that JAD plugin is not working with the latest Eclipse. After searching it in Eclipse MarketPlace when I try to install it shows an error box with the error details

No repository found at http://feeling.sourceforge.net/update

I have encountered this error on following

Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.

Version: Mars.1 Release (4.5.1)
Build id: 20150924-1200

Spring Tool Suite 

Version: 3.7.2.RELEASE
Build Id: 201511261048
Platform: Eclipse Mars.1 (4.5.1)

I was able to install the JAD by manually putting JAD Jar plugin file into Eclipse->dropins directory.


  1. Download JAR from below


  2. Put the JAR inside eclipse dropins directory

  1. Restart Eclipse and verify that JAD is installed under
Help -> Installation Details -> Plugins Tab


Now we should be able to use JAD.

Note : There's one other issue that we may encounter, that is even though JAD is installed it (JAD viewer) doesn't open the class files. As default viewer for class files in Eclipse comes in the way.

To remedy that we have to change the order of precedence of JAD class file viewer in eclipse file associations.

Following are the steps to do that.

  1. Open Window -> Preferences -> General -> viewers -> File Associations
  2. Click on the *.class without source in the pane below for Associated viewers remove the Class File Viewer . Now JAD should be the only viewer available. If it's not present click on Add and search for JAD and add it.
  3. If we want we can add the Class File Viewer (Eclipse default) as secondary viewer, but as long as JAD is the first in the viewer list, it doesn't matter.
  4. We may want to execute the same steps (1 to 3) for *.class files also. I'm notsure, but if we don't do that may be files with source (ie. Maven jars with source) won't open with the JAD viewer.

Following is a screenshot of the correct file association.


If you are getting an error such as java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "jad" after manually dropping the JAD jar into Eclipse, it means the jad.exe executable is not on the path.

You can manually point the Eclipse plugin to it: Window > Preferences... > Java > JadClipse > Path to Decompiler.

You may have to restart Eclipse afterwards.

From OP`s answer, I visited Download jar Page and copied the repo link


Then I Performed following steps

  1. Open Eclipse
  2. click Help -> Install new software
  3. Paste link or Add new software site and hit Enter

It installs JDT Decompiler 3.4.0 which is supposibaly Jad`s latest version. propely. I tested installation but not working

Can anyone confirm is it same as previous version?

It seems the project is not accessible on sourceforge anymore.

The developer opened a ticket a week ago : https://sourceforge.net/p/forge/site-support/12050/

I have done this for Eclipse Junos 32 bit on Windows 7. May be useful for someone trying on earlier eclipse env.

  1. Download jad for windows (jad158g.win.zip) from https://varaneckas.com/jad/ or http://www.kpdus.com/jad.html#download Link: Jad 1.5.8g for Windows 9x/NT/2000 on Intel platform (238600 bytes). Unzip the downloaded jad158g.win.zip and extract the jad.exe to some path say C:\\apps\\jad\\jad.exe

  2. Download the Jadclipse jar (net.sf.jadclipse_x.xxjar)" from http://sourceforge.net/projects/jadclipse/ or http://jadclipse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page#Download

  3. Copy the Jad Eclipse plugin jar to your Eclipse plugin folder Ex. C:\\Java\\eclipse-jee-juno-win32\\plugins\\net.sf.jadclipse_3.3.0.jar

  4. Open Eclipse and navigate to Window –> Preferences –> Java –> Jadclipse Enter the exe path of jad Path to decompiler: C:\\apps\\jad\\jad.exe Directory for temporary files: C:\\Users\\xxx.net.sf.jadclipse

  5. Restart Eclipse

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