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Pivot more than one column

i have two tables in SQL Server 2008, in one i have the needs of articles per week, and in another i have the stock, somethin like


Article                      Week                           Need


aa                            1                                25
aa                            2                                13
aa                            4                                33
aa                            6                                21
aa                            25                               40
ab                            1                                 1
ab                            2                                 3
ab                            16                               14
ab                            50                               50


  Article                       Units
    aa                            80    
    ab                            14
    ac                             8                

and i need to show something like:

 Article       WEEK1          WEEK2       WEEK4         WEEK6        WEEK16       WEEK25   
            needs stock   needs stock  needs stock   needs stock   needs stock  needs stock

 aa           25    80      13   55      42    22      21    20      0   -1        40  -1
 ab            1    14       3   13       0    10        0   10     14  10          0  -4   

This will show in Encel, for this i use C# and T-SQL, my problem is that if use PIVOT i can oly do it with the needs per week but i expect the needs and the stock, if i do without the pivot i can obtain the article the week an the stock, save the data in objects and do the calculation of the stock per week and then format the Excel, but i have one problem i need in the object something like:

puclic class needsPerWeek
string Article{get;set;}
int needsWeek1{get;set;}
int stockWeek1{get;set;}
int needsWeek2{get;set;}
int stockWeek2{get;set;}
int needsWeek{get;set;}
int stockWeek4{get;set;}
int needsWeek6{get;set;}
int stockWeek6{get;set;}
int needsWeek16{get;set;}
int stockWeek16{get;set;}
int needsWeek25{get;set;}
int stockWeek25{get;set;}
int needsWeek50{get;set;}
int stockWeek50{get;set;}

but i don´t know how much weeks i will recibe.

So, can i do this with pivot?, or any other way to obtain this?

Just copy and paste the code below and do some changes according to your need. We are just making dynamic column strings (UnitsWeek1, UnitsWeek2, NeedsWeek1... etc). And get two tables using Pivot and obtain a final table by joining the two.

   @query1  AS NVARCHAR(MAX),
   @cols2 AS NVARCHAR(MAX),
   @query2  AS NVARCHAR(MAX);

select @cols1 = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME('NeedsWeek'+Week) 
                   from NeedsMaster FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
           ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 

set @query1 = 'SELECT Article, ' + @cols1 + ' from 
                select Article
                       , Need
                       ,''NeedsWeek''+Week as Week 
           ) x
               for Week in (' + @cols1 + ')
           ) p '

select @cols2 = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME('UnitsWeek'+n.Week) 
                   from NeedsMaster n left join StocksMaster s
on s.Article=n.Article
           FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
           ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 

set @query2 = 'Select * from (SELECT Article, ' + @cols2 + ' from 
                select n.Article
                       , s.Units
                       ,''UnitsWeek''+n.Week as Week

                   from StocksMaster s
                   inner join NeedsMaster n
                      on s.Article=n.Article
           ) x1
               for Week in (' + @cols2 + ')
           ) p1 ) a inner join 
           (SELECT Article, ' + @cols1 + ' from 
                select Article

                       , Need
                      ,''NeedsWeek''+Week as Week 
           ) x2
               for Week in (' + @cols1 + ')
           ) p2 ) b on a.Article=b.Article'


(@query1 is just for better understanding purpose). Give it a try and i hope you will edit it as your requirements.


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