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Overloading the () operator for an enum in a class - C++

I came across the following piece of code :-

class MyClass{


    enum ITEMS {

        ZERO = 0,


    enum ITEMS item;
    MyClass(ITEMS item):item(item){};
    operator ITEMS () {
        return item;


I am unable to figure out what the operator() overloading on the enum ITEMS does . How would that be used in the context of objects of type MyClass ? Suppose we have an object :-

MyClass obj1;

Can we do obj1.VALUES() ? I am getting compilation errors if I try that.

operator ITEMS (){...} is a cast overload for target type ITEMS . When you cast an instance of MyClass to type MyClass::ITEMS , class member item gets returned.

It allows you do make a conversion from object of type MyClass to variable of type ITEMS , example:

MyClass mm;
MyClass::ITEMS it = mm;

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