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How to fill a polygon in java?

I have one little problem.. I am actually doing a program in java (it's a GUI). There is one class named Map that in which I creat a map..(or atleast I am trying).The constructor initializes the map and it gives back an Area and I paint it in the View class. I tried the classical way to do it with g2.fillPolygon(x[],y[],n) but it does not works. Here is the source code:

public class Map{
    Area area;
    public Map(){
        this.area=new Area(new Polygon(
                arrayX(),//ArrayY() and arrayX() are methods that generate     arrays with random numbers


Here is the View class:

public class View extends JComponent{
    Map map=new Map();


public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;

    g2.draw(map.area);//this draws the normal polygon NOT filled
    g2.fillPolygon(map.ArrayX,map.arrayY,map.MAX);//this might fill the polygon but it does noot
    g2.fillPolygon(map.area);//this does not work (ofcourse) because it wants a Polygon type parameter. I tried to cast it but it still does not work.

What shall I do in this case? Thank you very much.

Just like the Graphics2D#draw(Shape) method, there is a Graphics2D#fill(shape) method.


You might like to have a look at 2D Graphics for more details

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