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How to get UIImage from NSDictionary in objective c

I have searched more and more but didn't get the perfect solution. I have saved an image in a dictionary.

   @"PrdImg":[UIImage imageNamed:[image objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]

The image data saved perfectly. I checked it. But when I want to get this data from the dictionary then an exception encountered. The retrieving code is giving below.

PoctImage.image = [UIImage imageNamed:PrdDetailsDic[@"PrdImg"]];

The encountered exception is -

'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[UIImage length]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7f9428e4e930'

I have also read more document about the exception. But didn't get the specific solution.

Now I want to know how can I get the image data from the dictionary. What is the specific syntax for getting the image from the dictionary.

The initializer UIImage imageNamed: is looking for the image in your main bundle, and since you've got it in a dictionary it won't find it. If you're actually storing a UIImage in the dictionary, why not just say...

PoctImage.image = PrdDetailsDic[@"PrdImg"];

I also suspect there's an issue with trying to save an image to the dictionary in the way you specify, for the same reason. It seems like that one should be...

@"PrdImg":[image objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];

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