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Requst data(post) not bind to a POJO in spring

I need to map the form data into a pojo, so ii set the POJO as a method parameter. So then request data should bind to the pojo. But it not working. I am using spring 4.2.3.RELEASE . This is the my code

PersonDto class

public class PersonDto {

private int userId;
private String userName;

public int getUserId() {
    return userId;

public void setUserId(int userId) {
    this.userId = userId;

public String getUserName() {
    return userName;

public void setUserName(String userName) {
    this.userName = userName;

UserController class

public class UserController {

@RequestMapping(value = "/add",method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String addUser(PersonDto dto){
    System.out.println("Name : "+dto.getUserName());
    return ""+dto.getUserName();

public String userHome(){
    System.out.println("UserDetailsController Index");
    return "user-home";

in here home request mapping is working. But when i send post request to /add then PersonDto is empty. This is how i send request 请求 What is the reason for this?

您需要在方法参数中使用@RequestBody注释PersonDto dto,以指示它应绑定到请求主体:

public String addUser(@RequestBody PersonDto dto){

try this options:

  1. Use @RequestBody in POST method.

  2. include maven dependency for jackson


Try to mark your method parameter with @ModelAttribute annotation:

@RequestMapping(value = "/add",method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String addUser(@ModelAttribute("dto") PersonDto dto){
    System.out.println("Name : "+dto.getUserName());
    return ""+dto.getUserName();

Note, that you can specify name of model attribute. If you use <spring:form> tag check you form modelAttribute attribute:

<form:form method="POST" action="/someaction" modelAttribute="dto">

I might be pretty late to the party, but if this issue is not yet resolved (since I don't see any accepted answer), this answer may help. I had a similar issue and realised that I had not added a constructor wherein all the parameters passed in request body could be set. So perhaps adding the following constructor:

public PersonDto(int userId, String userName){

Please let me know if this works for you. If something else already did, please share your answer since it was quite a task for me to realise my silly error.

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