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C# String literal with concatenation

I have a ASP.NET C# application, and I frequently use the verbatim string literal such as

                          VALUES ('data', 'data)";

This is all great, but when I try to concatenate the string with a variable such as

dbCommand.CommandText = @"INSERT INTO MYTABLE" + Session["table_extension"] + "(COLUMN, COLUMN2)

I get an error stating Newline in constant. How can I avoid this while still using the @ string literal?


1) Don't concatenate strings to build SQL commands, it's really dangerous and error phrone (see SQL Injection: http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_injection.asp ).

You should use ADO.NET parameters ( http://www.csharp-station.com/Tutorial/AdoDotNet/Lesson06 )

2) If you are going to concatenate strings, use string.Format like:

var sql = string.Format("INSERT INTO MyTable ('col1') VALUES ({0})", col1Value);

Or use the new simplified syntax which has a better compile time check:

var sql = $"INSERT INTO MyTable (col1) VALUES ('{col1Value}')";

This will work for you!

dbCommand.CommandText = @"INSERT INTO MYTABLE" + Session["table_extension"].ToString() + "(COLUMN, COLUMN2)

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