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Template Argument in Template-Class Assignment Operator

I am trying to write a generic class MyStack to implement a Stack. I have a template variable inside my class by the typename of Data . I am also overloading the = operator to copy an existing MyStack object to another existing MyStack object. I therefore want to check if two class objects have the same type of variable before copying ie, I don't want an object of type float to be copied to an object of type int . What would be a good way to achieve this task ?

MyStack Definition :

template<typename Data>
class MyStack
    Data *data;
    int pos;
    int Max;


    int push(const Data);
    int push(const Data *,const Data);
    Data pop();
    Data* pop(const int);
    int getMaxSize();
    int currSize();
    int isEmpty();
    void display();
    MyStack(const MyStack &);
    void operator=(const MyStack s);

And here's the operator overloading part :

template<typename Data>
void MyStack<Data>::operator=(const MyStack s)
    cout<<"Copied with operator overloading"<<endl;
    delete[] data;
    data=new Data[s.Max];
    for(int i=0;i<=s.pos;i++)

Thanks in advance.

In the declaration

void operator=(const MyStack s);

You have a number of problems (see overloading special members ):

  1. The return type should be MyStack<Data> & .
  2. s should be a const reference.
  3. The type to which s should be a const reference to, is MyStack<Data> as well.

Note that MyStack is not an actual type. It is a "type factory".

Overall, then, it should look like

MyStack<Data> &operator=(const MyStack<Data> &s);

This will incidentally solve your question - it will only take const references to MyStack templates instantiated to the same Data .

If you would like to support assignments from other stack types as well, you might consider something like the following:

#include <type_traits>

template<typename Data>
class MyStack

    template<typename OtherData>
    typename std::enable_if<
        std::is_convertible<OtherData, Data>::value,
        MyStack<Data> &>::type
        operator=(const MyStack<OtherData> &other);

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