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Segmentation fault (Core Dumped) C++ Beginner

So, I am new to C++. I've researched Segmentation Fault (core dumped), memory allocation, and new/delete although I am having trouble understanding the concepts. I do believe my problem lies with memory allocation though and that's why I thought "delete" would have solved my problem. May someone please push me in the right direction?


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

struct CandyBar
    string name;
    double weight;
    int calories;
} ;

int main()
    CandyBar* backpack = new CandyBar[3];
    backpack[0] = {"Choco Chalk", 5.1, 725};
    backpack[1] = {"Twisty String", 1.8, 300};
    backpack[2] = {"Gummy Nums", 4.4, 475};

    cout << "Name\t\tWeight\tCalories" << endl << endl;
    for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++)
        cout << backpack[x].name << "\t" << backpack[x].weight << "\t" << backpack[x].calories << endl;

    delete backpack;

    return 0;


Name            Weight    Calories

Choco Chalk     5.1       725
Twisty String   1.8       300
Gummy Nums      4.4       475
(Segmentation fault) core dumped

I see two bugs:

  • Your loop for (x = 0; x < 4; x++) will iterate through x values 0, 1, 2, 3. However, since you allocated backpack with new Candybar[3] , backpack points to only enough memory to hold 3 CandyBar s, namely backpack[0], backpack[1], backpack[2] . As it stands, on its fourth time through, your loop will attempt to access backpack[3] , which is off the end of the array.

  • When you allocate memory with new[] (as you did since you allocated an array of CandyBar ), you have to deallocate it with delete[] , not just plain delete . See delete vs delete[] operators in C++ .

When I changed your loop exit condition to x < 3 and your deallocation to delete[] backpack; , the program worked for me.

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