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.NET How to communicate with Windows Forms app from Sharpshell COM Extension?

I have a windows form application (Synchronization application Like DropBox and Google Drive) and also COM Components(Shell extensions) that I created using SharpShell that added features to windows file system. My question is how the COM communicate with the Windows Form application. eg

When I create a singleton in my windows forms application, the COM extension can't see this Singleton(null) as I think it is a different process. my question is I want the best practice of how COM Process(C# code) communicate with Windows forms app(also c# code) or I want my singleton to be seen by both of the apps.

public class FileLoggerDoubleCheckLocking : BaseFileLogger
    private static FileLoggerDoubleCheckLocking _instance;
    private static readonly object _lock = new object();

    private FileLoggerDoubleCheckLocking()

    public static FileLoggerDoubleCheckLocking Instance
            if (_instance == null)
                lock (_lock)
                    if (_instance == null)
                        _instance = new FileLoggerDoubleCheckLocking();
            return _instance;


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