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Fish shell cd using relative path return: The directory “whatever” does not exist

I'm having trouble with a basic behavior of cd in fish shell.

cd to relative directory

I'm willing to change directory using a relative path without the ./ . The directory exists:

❯ ls
addons/  custom-addons/  docker-compose.yml  

The directory is auto-completed, yet I can't change to it:

❯ cd addons/
cd: The directory “addons/” does not exist


set -gx CDPATH $CDPATH $HOME/projects

As described in the documentation section Special Variables :

CDPATH , an array of directories in which to search for the new directory for the cd builtin. By default, the fish configuration defines CDPATH to be a universal variable with the values . and ~ .


I was overriding the default value while omitting . and ~ value.


Adding them back solved the issue, in ~/.config/fish/config.fish :

set -gx CDPATH $CDPATH . ~ $HOME/projects

Then reload fish with:

exec fish

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