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Securely transmitting password over TCP Socket in Java

I want to write a secure method of authentication over TCP sockets in Java. I've read reasonably extensively on the subject, but I am by no means an expert. There seems to be a bit of variance in opinion on how this is best done.

I know pretty well had to generate my password hashes, but that doesn't do me a whole lot of good if an attacker can simply glean the passwords/password hashes while in transit. So I want to create a reasonably secure method of sending this data across.

The most popular method seems to be using SSL sockets. However, my code will not be used as a single server (as an online game might be) but instead will have many instances run by various consumers. I personally don't have a means to purchase an SSL certificate, and I can't really ask my consumers to do that either. Creating self-signed certificates and then installing them in a keystore for each client seems both difficult and a little insecure. If I were handling all server instances, this would be a much more viable option, since I would only need one certificate, but as it stands now

So I worked on simply securing the TCP socket while performing log ins. I can do this pretty well using a Diffie-Hellman algorithm. However, as I research this, people kept saying to use SSL instead.

How can I securely transmit passwords over Java TCP sockets in an efficient but portable manner?

Have you considered RSA encryption? RSA encryption is the same encryption that SSL uses:


You can use the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm . This is exactly for your use case, to exchange keys over a public network. See the Oracle Diffie-Hellman example .

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