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Block the List.Add() method

I have a class that contains a private List. I have created a getter and a method to add elements to the list:

public class Test{

    private List<T> myList;
    public List<T> MyList
        get { return myList; }

    public Test()
         myList = new List<T>();

    public void AddElements(T element)
         // Do dome stuff, subscribe to an event of T

Since everytime an element is added to my list I want to do more things, I do not want that in some part of the code someone add an element directly:

Test test = new Test();

// Wrong

// Right

I have thought on creating a new class that implements the IList interface and overrides the Add() method, but I was wondering if there is a more simple/elegant way on "block" this Add() method.

If you are using at least .NET 4.5, return a IReadOnlyList<T> .

public class Test{

    private List<T> myList;
    public IReadOnlyList<T> MyList
        get { return myList; }

    public Test()
         myList = new List<T>();

    public void AddElements(T element)
         // Do dome stuff, subscribe to an event of T

In Test class expose the List as IReadOnlyList<T> then you wont be allowed to use MyList.Add directly

public class Test{

    private List<T> myList;
    public IReadOnlyList<T> MyList
        get { return myList; }

    public Test()
         myList = new List<T>();

    public void AddElements(T element)
         // Do dome stuff, subscribe to an event of T

Edit updated it IEnumerable to IReadOnlyList. There are benifits in using IReadOnlyList - IEnumerable<T> vs IReadOnlyList<T>

I would return as ReadOnlyCollection<T>

Use it like:

public class Test<T> 

    private List<T> myList;
    public ReadOnlyCollection<T> MyList
        get { return myList.AsReadOnly(); }

    public Test()
        myList = new List<T>();

    public void AddElements(T element)
        // Do dome stuff, subscribe to an event of T

This way you prevent casting... It will Wrap your List<> with a ReadOnlyCollection class.

Or you could return it as an Array like:

public T[] MyList
    get { return myList.ToArray(); }

The ToArray() method will create a copy of the list

When it is Returned as an IReadOnlyList<T> . You could simply cast it back..

Test test = new Test<int>();



foreach(var i in test.MyList)

If the only reason for your getter is to add elements you won´t need to directly access the list at all, but you can wrap the call to the Add -method into your own method:

class MyClass<T> {
    private List<T> _myList ...

    public void AddElements(T element)
         // Do dome stuff, subscribe to an event of T

Exposing a generic list is furthermore avoided by CA1002

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