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How to access list from prolog Knowledge base

this is the element in my knowledge base, (exactly like this):

  DataBase = [book('A',[author('B','C')],154,12,6,[publishedYear(1990)]),

It is in the same pl-file with our other predicates. How am I able to acces it? for example if I want to do:

  ?- write(DataBase).

It gives an error, because apparantly it can't access the variable.

edit: the error I get is that it is a singleton variable:

   Singleton variables: [DB] 


   No permission to modify static_procedure `(=)/2'

(First of all, what you call "function" should be called "predicate")

If I understand correctly what you think you did, you wrote

Var = Something.

And then tried to "access" that variable in your predicate. You should note that a "variable" in logic programming is not the same as a "variable" in other programming paradigms.

In C, for example, a variable is a place where you can put information that you can later change. In logic programming, a variable is there to be unified , it is a variable in the mathematical sense.

You should also note that variables are implicitly universally quantified , so when you write


You are actually writing

forall X, forall Y, predicate(X,Y).

This means that outside of that predicate, if you use the string "X" again to name a variable, it is no longer the same one. Meaning, in the following


These are not the same variable.

What you can do to achieve what you seem to aim at is, for example:


and, if you want to use it in a predicate pred :

pred :- database(DB), do_this_with_it(DB).

But I might be wrong in understanding what you meant, so please do say if it doesn't answer your question.

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