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How to make test class read data from target/ and not target/test-classes Java

I have a Java project that when I build doing a mvn clean install command from the command line, it generates an output target folder.

I have a JUnit test class which takes it's test data from this target folder. When running this test class directly (right click Testclass.java > Run As > Junit Test) works fine since the target folder has already been generated.

However to when I do a mvn clean (which clears out the target folder and my test data as well) then do a mvn clean install I get a test failure. Because the test is trying to read from target/test-classes/pdf-content and not from target/pdf-content

How can I make my Testclass read test data from target/ and not target/test-classes ?


        <id>unpack and rename content</id>
        import com.cg.fs.common.FileUtil
        import com.cg.fs.common.ZipUtil
        import com.cg.fs.common.StringUtil

        buildHelper = new BuildHelper()

        output = new File("target")
        pdfContent = new File("target/pdf-content")

        // unzip tt intermediate thing
        List ttZip = FileUtil.discoverFiles(output, true, "production-content-.*\\.zip")
        assert ttZip.size() == 1, "Did not find expected number of content zip " + ttZip.size()
        println "Unzipping " + ttZip.get(0)

        // move it to pdf content
        List content = FileUtil.discoverDirectories(output, "production-content-.*-intermediate", true)
        assert tContent.size() == 1, "Did not find expected number of contents " + tContent.size()
        println "Moving " + tContent.get(0) + " to " + pdfContent
        success = FileUtil.copy(tContent.get(0), pdfContent)
        assert success, "Could not copy content"

        // move pdf content
        List fpsContent = FileUtil.discoverDirectories(output, “ls-production-content.*", true)
        assert fpsContent.size() == 1, "Did not find expected number of ls contents " + fpsContent.size()
        println "Moving " + fpsContent.get(0) + " to target/pdf-content"
        success = FileUtil.copy(fpsContent.get(0), pdfContent)
        assert success, "Could not copy pdf content"

        // rename to not be unsupported
        List unsupportedDirs = FileUtil.discoverDirectories(pdfContent, "_unsupported_.*", true)
        println "Renaming _unsupported content: " + unsupportedDirs
        for (File file : unsupportedDirs) {
        file.renameTo(new File(file.getParentFile(), file.getName().replace("_unsupported_", "")))

You have the question in reverse: you don't want the maven-surefire-plugin to read from target instead of target/test-classes . What you really want to do is to add your files as test resources of the project.

For static resources, this goes under src/test/resources . The maven-resources-plugin will copy those resources to target/test-classes by default.

For generated resources, you can use the build-helper-maven-plugin:add-test-resource goal to add your generated content as a test resource. If they are generated under target/pdf-content , you can have:


This will add all files under the folder target/pdf-content as a test resource in the root of the classpath. If they need to be in a specified package, you can add a <targetPath> to the configuration and they will be available under the specified targetPath . Note that the plugin is bound to the generate-test-resources phase so you need to make sure that the generation of those resources happens before (for example, by declaring before in the POM with the phase generate-test-resources ).

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