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How to exclude particular word with special character from a capture group in REGEX?

I want to create Regex for below text:

date=2016-02-25 time=10:14:22+0000

In this we need to capture like below(Single Capture Group)

2016-02-25 10:14:22

I have tried below Regex but i cannot able to achieve my O/P:


Is it possible to create Regex? Please help me on this. Thanks in advance!

Try this


Regex demo

. : Any character except line break sample
* : Zero or more times sample
? : Once or none sample
( … ) : Capturing group sample
(?: … ) : Non-capturing group sample
\\ : Escapes a special character sample
+ : One or more sample

You could just capture both date and time with separate groups and join them together using Python's string operators:

import re

text = 'date=2016-02-25 time=10:14:22+0000'
pattern = r'^date=(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}) time=(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})[+-]\d{4}$'

match = re.match(pattern, text.strip())
result = " ".join(match.groups())


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