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Change text on div if class active

Welcome. At the beginning I want tell us, that my english is poor :-) So I have a problem with creating my website support on wordpress. My theme is fullpane where is section

<section id="homepage" class="clearfix section-post section-category-136 section-category-home-page default fullwidth post-16824 section type-section status-publish hentry ***active*** fullpage-active" data-anchor="homepage" style="height: 979px; padding: 0px 0px 70px; line-height: 894px;">

Like we can see name 'active' is generated automatically and I think that I can use it to my problem.

I want create some like index '1 for 5 section' on the right side window with fixed position and when I scroll to bottom number should change number '2 for 5 section' So I create jquery

<script type="text/javascript">
    $( document ).ready(function() {
        if($( "#homepage" ).hasClass( "active" )){
            $("div#date").text("2 for 5");

And not working properly. This page is located adress emotivo.pl/nowe

If I forgot tell us for something important tell me about it.


Modify your script to this:

    var children = $("#superContainer").children(); 
    $(children).each(function(index,value) {
        $("div#date").html(index+" of "+ children.length);

This may not exactly work by copy pasting given your website is overriding scroll function, but the core logic is same.

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