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Remove elements from tree based on list of terms

I'm trying to capture some text from a webpage (whose URL is passed when running the script), but its buried in a paragraph tag with no other attributes assigned. I can collect the contents of every paragraph tag, but I want to remove any elements from the tree that contain any of a list of keywords.

I get the following error:

tree.remove(elem) TypeError: Argument 'element' has incorrect type (expected lxml.etree._Element, got _ElementStringResult)

I understand that what I am getting back when I try to iterate through the tree is the wrong type, but how do I get the element instead?

Sample Code:


    from lxml import html
    from lxml import etree

    url = sys.argv[1]
    page = requests.get(url)
    tree = html.fromstring(page.content)

    terms = ['keyword1','keyword2','keyword3','keyword4','keyword5','keyword6','keyword7']
    paragraphs = tree.xpath('//p/text()')
    for elem in paragraphs:
        if any(term in elem for term in terms):

In your code, elem is an _ElementStringResult which has the instance method getparent . Its parent is an Element object of one of the <p> nodes.

The parent has a remove method which can be used to remove it from the tree:


I do not believe there is a more direct way and I don't have a good answer to why there isn't a removeself method.

Using the example html:

content = '''
    <p> nothing1 </p>
    <p> keyword1 </p>
    <p> nothing2 </p>
    <p> nothing3 </p>
    <p> keyword4 </p>

You can see this in action in your code with:

from lxml import html
from lxml import etree

tree = html.fromstring(content)

terms = ['keyword1','keyword2','keyword3','keyword4','keyword5','keyword6','keyword7']
paragraphs = tree.xpath('//p/text()')
for elem in paragraphs:
    if any(term in elem for term in terms):
        actual_element = elem.getparent() 

for child in tree.getchildren():
    print('<{tag}>{text}</{tag}>'.format(tag=child.tag, text=child.text))

# Output:
# <p> nothing1 </p>
# <p> nothing2 </p>
# <p> nothing3 </p>

From the comments, it seems like this code isn't working for you. If so, you might need to provide more information about the structure of your html.

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