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opencv 3.0 Mat not provide a subscript operator

Im currently working on Opencv 3.0 C++ in Xcode 7.2. I have and code error written

Variable length array of non-POD element type cv::Mat

The sample code was define as below

Mat symbol[opts.numofblocksX*opts.numofblocksY];

I have change the code to

Mat symbol = symbol[opts.numofblocksX * opts.numofblocksY];

and it show another error

cv::Mat doest not provide a subscript operator

Is there anyone facing the same problem before? what was the solutions I can implement here?


This code:

cv::Mat symbol[opts.numofblocksX*opts.numofblocksY];

Defines an array of Mat s of size opts.numofblocksX*opts.numofblocksY .

The error you got is because the size of this array is not fixed at compile time and this is not a POD type .

Your new code is flawed.

cv::Mat symbol = symbol[opts.numofblocksX * opts.numofblocksY];

This defines a single Mat called symbol, and then nonsensically tries to call operator[] on it with opts.numofblocksX * opts.numofblocksY as an argument. This is not declaring an array.

Two obvious options present themselves:

  • Allocate your array on the heap , where variable-size allocation is allowed. Don't forget to delete[] it later! (or use a smart pointer)

    cv::Mat *symbol = new cv::Mat[opts.numofblocksX * opts.numofblocksY];

  • Use an std::vector (recommended):

    std::vector<cv::Mat> symbols(opts.numofblocksX * opts.numofblocksY]);

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