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split comma-separated key-value pairs with commas

a bit like this question: How to split comma-separated key-value pairs with quoted commas

But my question is:


Note, "text=hello,boy", NOT:text="hello,boy"

I'd like to separate the line to dict. The output I want is:


How to get it using regex or shlex?

You can't do that with the regex or it won't be the most efficient. The code to parse such string is straightforward using a single pass parser:


def read_quote(string):
    out = ''
    for index, char in enumerate(string):
        if char == '"':
            index += 2  # skip quote and comma if any
            return index, out
            out += char

def read(string):
    print('input', string)
    out = ''
    for index, char in enumerate(string):
        if char == ',':
            index += 1  # skip comma
            return index, out
            out += char
    # end of string
    return index, out

def components(string):
    index = 0
    while index < len(line):
        if string[index] == '"':
            inc, out = read_quote(string[index+1:])
            index += inc
            yield out
            inc, out = read(string[index:])
            index += inc
            yield out

print(dict([e.split('=') for e in components(line)]))

It prints the following:

{'text': 'hello,boy', 'code': '#123', 'name': 'zhg'}

You can implement read and read_quote using a regex if you really want to.

You can use csv.reader with a suitably "file-like" string.

>>> import csv
>>> import StringIO
>>> line='name=zhg,code=#123,"text=hello,boy"'
>>> string_file = StringIO.StringIO(line)
>>> for row in csv.reader(string_file):
...  print row
['name=zhg', 'code=#123', 'text=hello,boy']

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