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Splitting a Texture2D into a two dimensional array

I would like to split a single Texture2D into Texture2D's of size x , and put those into a 2D array. The original Texture2D's size will always be a multiple of x . What is the easiest way to do this?

You can do that with Rectangles.. Go trough the texture with 2 for statements (one for x coordinate, one for y coordinate) and make rectangles, then get color data for the rectangle and create a new texture with it.

texture = your source texture

newTexture = new piece of the texture to put into an array


for (int x = 0; x < texture.Width; x += texture.Width / nrPieces)
    for (int y = 0; y < texture.Height; y += texture.Height / nrPieces)
        Rectangle sourceRectangle = new Rectangle(x, y, texture.Width / _nrParticles, texture.Height / _nrParticles);
        Texture2D newTexture = new Texture2D(GameServices.GetService<GraphicsDevice>(), sourceRectangle.Width, sourceRectangle.Height);
        Color[] data = new Color[sourceRectangle.Width * sourceRectangle.Height];
        texture.GetData(0, sourceRectangle, data, 0, data.Length);
// TODO put new texture into an array

So all you have to do is put the new texture into an array, however you want. If you ment to split only on the X axis, simply remove one for statement and change the Height of the sourceRectangle to texture.Height.

Hope this helps!

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