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parent class default constructor to be enter by user then through inheritance - C++

int my child class, when I use inheritence and settings the default with : UserAccout("user","pass"); Is it possible to get input from cin instead?

Here are my code examples.

I have my parent class

class UserAcct
    string  userName;
    string  userPassword;

    UserAcct(string newUserName, string newPassword);       

this is UserAcct.cpp

UserAcct::UserAcct(string newUserName, string newPassword)
   userName = newUserName;
   userPassword = newUserName;

this is my child class so to say

class GameSettings : public UserAcct
    ofstream  odataBase("gameSettings.txt", ios::app);
    ifstream  idataBase("gameSettings.txt", ios::app);
    int       settingSet;
    GameSettings(int newSettings);

the child class .cpp

GameSettings::GameSettings (int newSettings) : UserAcct("user","pass")//this right here
    settingsSet = newSettings;

ps. The inheritence doesnt work for some reason and I'm not sure why. Under the child class .cpp before the : in " : UserAcct("user","pass"); " I get an error saying

Error: expected a '{'

Question 1:

You can get the input from cin by making a function call.

GameSettings::GameSettings (int newSettings) : UserAccout(getUserName(), getPassword()) {}

Where getUserName() can be a static member function of GameSettings or a non-member global function.

static std::string getUserName()
   std::string name;
   cin >> name;
   return name;

getPassword() can be a similar function.

Question 2:

You are seeing a compiler error since you ended the following with a ; .

GameSettings::GameSettings (int newSettings) : UserAccout("user","pass");

The ; needs to be replaced by {} and anything else that goes inside the body of the function.

PS You are using UserAcct and UserAccout . That needs to be fixed. Perhaps you should spell it out to avoid confusion the future. Use UserAccount .


GameSettings::GameSettings (int newSettings) : UserAccout("user","pass") { } 

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