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Python Beginner (Guessing Random Number Game)

The game asks the user to input a number between 1 and 5 and see whether they match the computers random guess.

My code doesn't seem to work when I get to the if else statements, and am having trouble figuring it out.

from random import randint 

print "I am thinking of a number between 1 and 5";
print "What do you think the number is that I am thinking of", 
guess = raw_input("> ")
cguess = (randint(1,5))

print "Your guess was", guess, 
print "\nMine was", cguess,

if guess == cguess
    print "Well done you win"
if guess != cguess
    print "You lose"
import random

guess = int(input('guess a no between 1 to 5 :'))
cguess = random.randint(1,5)

if guess == cguess: 
    print('Well done you win')
    print('You lose')

You're lacking the colon character ( : ) at the end of your if statements.

if guess == cguess:
    print("Well done you win!")
    print("You lose")

It's skipping guess == cguess condition because raw_input() returns a string , not an int . Cast your cguess variable first ( str(cguess) ).

raw_input returns a string, so you are comparing a string to an integer. you need to turn the string into an integer

guess = int(raw_input("> ")) # <----- see the int call

now guess == cguess will work (if you guessed well)

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