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array.sort behaving strangely with wallaby.js

I have a function that constructs an array like, [{index: 1}, {index: 4}, {index: 7}] . The array is ordered by the objects' index value. I have narrowed the scope of the function to just a sorting of an array and wallaby indicates the order of the array is incorrect, however mocha continues to indicate passing tests.

The spec is:

import expect from 'expect';
import sort from './sort';

describe("Given an array", ()=> {
    let array;
    beforeEach(() => {
        array = [
            { index: 7, owner: 1 },
            { index: 2, owner: 1 },
            { index: 3, owner: 1 },
            { index: 5, owner: 1 },
            { index: 1, owner: 1 }

    describe("When sorting the array of elements by id", () => {

        let actual;
        beforeEach(() => {
            actual = sort(array);

        it('should order the array of objects by ascending id',()=> {
            let expected = [
                { index: 1, owner: 1 },
                { index: 2, owner: 1 },
                { index: 3, owner: 1 },
                { index: 5, owner: 1 },
                { index: 7, owner: 1 }


The implementation of sort.js is:

export default function(array){
   return array.sort((x, y) => { return x.index > y.index});

My wallaby config looks like:

process.env.NODE_ENV = 'test';

var wallabyWebpack = require('wallaby-webpack');
var packageConfig = require('./package.json');

module.exports = function(wallaby) {

  var specFilePattern = 'src/shared/**/*.spec.js';
  var srcFilePattern = 'src/shared/**/*.js*';

  var babelProcessor = wallaby.compilers.babel(packageConfig['babel']);

  var webpackPostProcessor = wallabyWebpack({
    resolve: {
          extensions: ['', '.js', '.jsx']

  return {
    testFramework: 'mocha',
    debug: true,
    files: [
      { pattern: 'node_modules/babel-polyfill/dist/polyfill.js', instrument: false },
      { pattern: srcFilePattern, load: false },
      { pattern: specFilePattern, ignore: true }
    tests: [
      { pattern: specFilePattern, load: false }
    compilers: {
      '**/*.js*': babelProcessor
    postprocessor: webpackPostProcessor,
    bootstrap: function(){

Wallaby.js is using PhantomJs behind the scenes by default, which uses the same JavaScript engine that Safari does. And if you run this snippet in Safari Dev Tools :

屏幕截图 2016-03-22 at 12 42 21 pm

you'll notice that it also doesn't sort the array as expected. Chrome Dev Tools will show you a different result:

屏幕截图 2016-03-22 at 12 42 43 pm

So if you'd like your sort implementation to work on all platforms , you need to change it to be compliant with the spec and return 1 , -1 or 0 , as opposed to just true or false .

So if you rewrite your sort function this way:

export default function (array) {
  return array.sort((x, y) => {
    if (x.index > y.index) {
      return 1;
    if (x.index < y.index) {
      return -1;

    return 0;

then it will work everywhere. If you'd prefer a shorter (but a bit less readable) way, you may use this one:

export default function(array) {
  return array.sort((x, y) => +(x.index > y.index) || +(x.index === y.index) - 1);

If for some reason you would only like to support platforms where your original code works and wouldn't like to change it, then I suggest switching the default PhantomJs runner to the Electron runner that wallaby also supports. It uses V8 and your original code works fine with it.

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