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Appending to NumPy (Python) Array

For starters, I am doing a Runge-Kutta on a three-DOF NumPy array. My array looks like this:

states = [[X], [Vx], [Y], [Vy], [Z], [Vz]]

I run my Runge-Kutta, and get my four K values, which I transpose with [newaxis]. So when I try to append the new states to my states array as follows:

states = append(states, states[:,i] + (K1.T + 2 * K2.T + 2 * K3.T + K4.T)/6, 1)

where "i" is a counter that starts at 0 and counts up for each iteration.

However, when I run my code my resulting states array is not two columns of six elements. It appears that I am appending a row vector instead of a column vector to my states array. I ran the code with two elements (X, Vx) in the column, and everything appended just fine (or at least my result made sense).

I have tried forcing the result of my Runge-Kutta to be a column vector, but that messes up my calculation of the K-values. I have tried variations of my append code, and still have the same result.

This is a clone of a Matlab code, and I have been unable to find anything on NumPy arrays and indexing that helps me.

Any help is appreciated.


UPDATE: states[:,0] = [[0], [2300], [0], [0], [-1600], [500]] - original states[:,1] = [[2300], [2100], [0], [0], [-2100], [450]] - append states = [[0, 2300], [2300, 2100], [0, 0], [0, 0], [-1600, -2100], [500, 450]] - final These are column vectors.

You should stack them instead of appending them.

Taken from the numpy documentation you should one of the stack methods, for example: np.vstack :

a = np.array([1, 2, 3])
b = np.array([2, 3, 4])
c = np.vstack((a,b))
# array([[1, 2, 3],
#        [2, 3, 4]])

or depending on your resulting data there is also np.hstack (stack along first axis) and np.dstack (stack along third axis).

You should not append arrays, if you can avoid, due to efficiency issues. Appending means changing the allocated memory size, which can run into non-contiguous memory space, hence inefficient allocation or reallocation would be necessary. These can slow down your program a lot, specially for large arrays.

If you are implementing a fixed time-step Runge-Kutta you know beforehand how many points your solution is going to have at time T. It's N = (T-t0)/h+1, where T is the final time, t0 the initial time, and h the time step. You can initialize your array with zeros (using states = np.zeros((N,3)) ) and fill the values as you go, associating the index i to the time t[i] = t0 +i*h . This would be inside the loop: states[:,i+1] = states[:,i] + RK4_step(states[:,i]) , where RK4_step(states[:,i]) is a function returning an array (column) with your variation of the state values in one step of the Runge-Kutta method.

Even if your time-step is variable you should still do that, but with nonuniform times t[i] = t0 +i*h .

Or, you could use numpy.integrate.ode_int() , which returns the solution of an ODE at the required times.

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