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Stanford CoreNLP API fails to parse some sentences

I have been trying to use the Stanford CoreNLP API included in the 2015-12-09 release. I start the server using:

java -mx5g -cp "./*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipelinStanfordCoreNLPServer

The server works in general, but fails for some setnences including the following:

"Aside from her specifically regional accent, she reveals by the use of the triad, ``irritable, tense, depressed, a certain pedantic itemization that indicates she has some familiarity with literary or scientific language ( i.e., she must have had at least a high­school education ) , and she is telling a story she has mentally rehearsed some time before."

I end up with a result that starts with :


I would greatly appriciate some help in setting this up - am I not including some annotators in the nlp pipeline.

This same sentence works at http://corenlp.run/

If you're looking for a dependency parse (like that in corenlp.run ), you should look at the basic-dependencies field rather than the parse field. If you want a constituency parse, you should include the parse annotator in the list of annotators you are sending to the server. By default, the server does not include the parser annotator, as it's relatively slow.

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