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Why my Tomcat has no catalina.sh?

Basic info:

  • OS: CentOS 7.0 x64
  • Tomcat Version: 7.0.54 (installed using yum)

It begins with that I wanna debug with checking catalina.out . But there is nothing in the file except one line:

tomcat-7.0.54 RPM installed

I got some tips that catalina.sh has some setting about logging. Then I found my tomcat even has no this file. In the folder bin there are only three files: bootstrap.jar tomcat-juli.jar catalina-tasks.xml

Before that I start tomcat with systemctl start tomcat , so I haven't notice the problem.

Is it reasonable ? What should I do if I wanna edit the setting about logging or others about startup?

This may help you

Ref How to install tomcat 7 on centos 7

Log location /usr/share/tomcat/logs

The rpm command below will show you where all the files are.

rpm -ql tomcat |more

The systemctl command will given you a detailed list of the service

systemctl status tomcat.service  -l

Ref Tomcat Logging server.xml

To additionally log information about requests going to the web application, "Valves" can be configured in the server.xml file, as described in detail here. For example, inside the tag:

For more information on valves in server.xml Ref tomcat-7.0 valve

Hope this helps

According to this post :

The yum-installed tomcat utilizes systemd, not Catalina, maybe you could add your config to this file instead: /etc/tomcat/tomcat.conf

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