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Why is returning a reference to const pointer allowed in constexpr function, but not returning a copy?

I have the following 3 C++ files (the problem does not occur if all are in 1 file):


class Clazz {
        static const char* const NAME;


#include "clazz.hpp"
const char* const Clazz::NAME = "Clazz";


#include <iostream>
#include "clazz.hpp"

constexpr const char* const& get_clazz_name_ref() {
    return Clazz::NAME;

constexpr const char* get_clazz_name() {
    return Clazz::NAME; // this does not work

int main(void) {
    std::cout << get_clazz_name_ref() << std::endl;
    std::cout << get_clazz_name() << std::endl;

When compiling this files in Visual Studio 2015, I get an error message for the get_clazz_name function:

error C3256: 'NAME': variable use does not produce a constant expression

Funnily enough, the function get_clazz_name_ref is compiled OK. Why is that so?

In response to Alan Stokes https://stackoverflow.com/a/36112146/59557 : why is this working?


#include <array>
class Clazz {
        static const char* const NAME;
        static const size_t N = 3;
        static const std::array<const char*, N> NAMES;


#include "clazz.hpp"
const char* const Clazz::NAME = "Clazz";

const std::array<const char*, Clazz::N> Clazz::NAMES = {


#include <iostream>
#include "clazz.hpp"

constexpr const char* const& get_clazz_name_ref() {
    return Clazz::NAME;

constexpr const char* get_name(size_t i) {
    return Clazz::NAMES[i];

int main(void) {
    std::cout << get_clazz_name_ref() << std::endl;
    std::cout << get_name(0) << std::endl;

I could change clazz.cpp and rebuild, too.

The address of NAME is known to the compiler when compiling main.cpp but its value isn't. So the value can't be a compile-time constant.

(You could change clazz.cpp only and rebuild, to give it a different value; so it can't be constant.)

That doesn't apply when they're in one file because then the initialiser is visible and the value is known.

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