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ASP.NET Web API Controller Update Row

I'm having issues figuring out how to update just a single row in a controller in ASP.NET. I am trying to send a post request to the Web API I created and the request goes through but instead of updating only one row, it updates all rows (all rows in the column goal) in the table I am trying to manipulate in my SQL database. Any help with this problem would be appreciated. I am sending the post request using the $http service in AngularJS.


    public class patient_goalsController : ApiController

        //POST: api/goals/update/1
        public void UpdatePatientGoal(int id, patient_goals patient_goals)
            var goals = (from p_goal in db.patient_goals
                        where patient_goals.id == id
                        select p_goal);
            foreach(patient_goals row in goals)
                row.goal = patient_goals.goal;





$scope.updateGoal = function(goal){
goal.editing = false;
var data = {"id": goal.id, "goal": goal.goal}
  method: "POST",
  url: urlBase + "/goals/update/" + goal.id,
  data: data,
}).then(function error(response) {
  $scope.error = response.statusText;


id (int)
goal (text)

Just find the single connected entity you want, make the edits and then save your changes.

 public void UpdatePatientGoal(int id, patient_goals)
      var goal =  db.patient_goals.FirstOrDefault(x => x.id == id);

      if(goal != null)
          goal.goal  = patient_goals.goal;

I don't really know the details of your database schema, but it looks like your where -clause is incorrect. Rather than comparing to patient_goals.id , you would be comparing to p_goal :

           var goals = (from p_goal in db.patient_goals
                        where p_goal.id == id
                        select p_goal);

Otherwise, you are simply comparing values from your parameter list.

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