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c++ vector for each loop doesn't iterate through references?

yesterday I spent almost an our while debugging this thing and since then I can't stop thinking about it.C

I tried to implement a 2D matrix with string indexes...

class CSqrMatrix(){
  void insert(string str){
     bool b = map.insert(str,m_size).second;
     if (b){
         vector<int> ve;
         for (int i = 0; i < m_vect.size(); i++) 
         for (auto v : m_vect)
map<string,int> map;
vector < vector<int> > m_vect;
int m_default;
int m_size;

after some insertions, when I tried to reach an element like

m_vect[0][0] = 8;

I got an invalid write and segfault... and the value of m_vect[0].size() was 0; I tried everything, when finally I changed the for each loop to a normal one like

for (int i = 0; i < m_vect.size(); i++){

the program worked well...

So does that mean, that v ins't a referecne, but a new copy of the element?

Thanks (there might be typos in the code, I wrote it on the phone...)

Yes v is indeed a copy. You should do it like this:

for (auto& v : m_vect){

And keep in mind that std::vector copy is a deep copy for the container and for all items which is really an expensive operation. So if you want to pass through a vector of vectors ( std::vector<std::vector<T>> ) even without editing, you should pass by ref (with const if you do not want editing):

for(/*const*/ auto& v:vectors){
 for (auto v : m_vect) v.push_back(m_default); 

In the above form, the range-for loop iterates using copies ( v ) of the items stored in m_vect .

If you want to operate directly on references to the items in m_vect , you should be explicit about that, using auto& :

// v references items in m_vect
for (auto& v : m_vect) {

You may find this StackOverflow answer on using C++11 range-for interesting.

The code:

for (auto v : m_vect)

is equivalent to following ( see C++ standard [stmt.ranged] ):

    auto && __range = (m_vect);
    for (auto __begin = __range.begin(), __end = __range.end(); __begin != __end; ++__begin)
        auto v = *__begin;      // <-- new copy in each iteration
        v.push_back(m_default); // add item to the copy
                                // the copy goes out of scope

So, yes, v ins't a referecne, but a new copy in each iteration?

What you want is:

for (auto& v : m_vect)

That is equivalent to:

    auto && __range = (m_vect);
    for (auto __begin = __range.begin(), __end = __range.end(); __begin != __end; ++__begin)
        auto& v = *__begin; // <-- new reference in each iteration

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