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Windows batch string as delimiter for a string

I have a file containing multiple lines. I need only this line :

 Table: DSMAIN_FRANF.DEF02_002_REF_B - Deleted row(s) count: 44

In fact, I need only the number at the end of the line. The length of the line is variable, also the number, but the substring " Deleted row(s) count:" will always be there.

How can I get only what comes after "Deleted row(s) count:" in a line?

assuming, the syntax of the line is reliable ( ___:_____ Deleted row(s) count: xx )

for /f "tokens=3 delims=:" %%i in ('find "Deleted row(s) count:" t.txt') do set /a count=%%i
echo %count%

(also assuming, there is only one of those lines; if several, this will give you the last one)

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