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Qt/C++ : get Ui QLineEdit text from another class

I'm trying to make a simple test to use an UI object made with "Qt Design" but I'm pretty new to Qt and C++. I've got a quite simple Ui : 3 LineEdit s and 1 PushButton : IMAGE : the UI window

I've a Client Class which is supposed to control Ui. It connects the QPushButton and it should get the content from QLineEdit . But the result in QDebug is always the same when I push the Button, even when I change QlineEdit field: "Client connected : "" : 0 "

Moreover, if I use on_pushButton_clicked made with QtDesign, it will display the real values of QlineEdit s.

Why the QString s are always the same ? Am I passing a copy of the initial object ? How to solve that ?

Is it the good way to make a ViewController ? Else, what is the good way?


#include "client.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "logwindow.h"

    LogWindow* w1 = new LogWindow();
    MainWindow* w2 = new MainWindow();

    _stack = new QStackedWidget();


//When the button is Pushed, gets the content from QlineEdits and prints them
void Client::connexion()
    QString ip=(LogWindow (_stack->currentWidget())).getIP();
    int port=((LogWindow (_stack->currentWidget())).getPort()).toInt();

    socket = new QTcpSocket(this);
    socket->connectToHost(ip, port);

    qDebug() <<"Client connected : " << ip << ":"<<port;

And a class made automatically by Qt :


#include "logwindow.h"
#include "ui_logwindow.h"

LogWindow::LogWindow(QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::LogWindow)

    delete ui;

QPushButton* LogWindow::getButton()
    return ui->pushButton;

QString LogWindow::getIP()
    //LineEdit named "IP_text"
    return ui->IP_text->text();

QString LogWindow::getPort()
    //LineEdit named "Port_text"
    return ui->Port_text->text();


namespace Ui {
class LogWindow;

class LogWindow : public QWidget

    explicit LogWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
    QPushButton* getButton();
    QString getIP();
    QString getPort();

private slots:
    void on_pushButton_clicked();

    Ui::LogWindow *ui;

Thuga solved it :

In Client::connexion you are creating a new instance of LogWindow. Make LogWindow* w1 a member variable of your Client class, if you want to access it in other Client's member functions as well.

There is not much to complain about, except that _stack is a widget without a parent, so you must make sure you destroy it when you don't need it anymore (for example call delete _stack; in the destructor). Most beginners would have tried to make the ui variable public to get the data from IP_text, but you did correctly, by making the LogWindow::getIP function.

If you don't want to expose ui->pushButton outside of your class, you can make a signal for your LogWindow class, and connect the clicked signal of ui->pushButton to that signal. You can connect signals to signals, it doesn't have to be a slot.

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