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Import order in Python 3

I'm having a few issues with a number of imports in my program,

In main.py:

from world import *
from dialogue import *
from event import *

In dialogue.py:

from world import *
from event import *

The class Area is defined in world.py, yet when I try to use the Area class from dialogue.py it returns

builtins.NameError: name 'Area' is not defined

If I change the order of the imports in main.py to

from dialogue import *
from world import *
from event import *

When I try to access the dialogue class from world.py, I get this

builtins.NameError: name 'Dialogue' is not defined

I thought the order of imports shouldn't have made a difference? How can I access all of my classes from all of my files?

The class Area is defined in world.py, yet when I try to use the Area class from dialogue.py it returns

The way you are importing your code is wrong. From both modules you are importing with * ; this confuses the Python, because both modules have a class called Area .

Instead of using * (wild import) import them as modules

import dialogue
import world
import event

d1 = world.Dialogue()
d2 = dialogue.Dialogue()

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