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Node.js Cluster Example

Can someone do an code example for me using node.js natives cluster?

Lets say I have this code and want each 'X' to be balanced between my cores, how would I do that?

var y = {};
var i = 0;
var X = require('x.js');

wss.on('connection', function(ws) {

console.log("client connected sucessfully");

    ws.on('message', function(obj) {
        for(var a = 0; a < 100; a++){
            y[i] = new X();

There's a good example on the node cluster documentation page . In short, you want to use cluster.fork() to create a new worker. The worker will execute the same code that master does, so your example would become something like this:

var y = {};
var i = 0;
var X = require('x.js');
if (cluster.isMaster) {
  for (var worker_num = 0; worker_num < 10; worker_num++) {
} else {
  wss.on('connection', function(ws) {
    console.log("client connected sucessfully");
      ws.on('message', function(obj) {
        for(var a = 0; a < 100; a++){
          y[i] = new X();

However in reality you would need way more than that. You'd want features like automatic worker restarts, heartbeats, etc etc, so writing good cluster managing code is a big task by itself. I suggest using some ready solution pm2 or service-runner

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